re:Already failed once (Score:5, Insightful) by Tsiangkun (746511) on Wednesday June 09, @07:49PM (#9382918) ( A long time ago, in the distant past, there were Finders. Dedicated individuals that wandered around outside the camps and found stuff. Over time, it became more difficult to find stuff, and the Finders became the Searchers. Many times the Searchers would return empty handed. As technologies improve and new insights are gained, the same fruitless searches of the past were repeated. Sometimes with a new results, sometimes as fruitless as before. Regardless, it was this not giving up on an idea just because it failed once that led the change in title from Searcher to Researcher. Most reseachers I know produce one magnificent failure after another on the quest for a new piece of knowledge. Everything that is easy to find has probably already been discovered, and mathematics is no different. So the guy made a few failed attempts at solving the puzzle, this doesn't make each sucessor to the first attempt a garaunteed failure. Don't let good be the enemy of done - internet somewhere "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man” is a quote by George Bernard Shaw